About us

STOPonline.cz is intended for reporting illegal content that each of us may accidentally come across on the Internet.

Our main goal is to protect children and young people from certain types of crime associated with the Internet. At the same time, we try to minimize the occurrence of materials that depict primarily child abuse or inappropriate childhood nudity.

The most important aspect of the STOPonline.cz is the effective cooperation with the Police of the Czech Republic with which we have a mutual memorandum on the operation of the line and participation in the international INHOPE network, which associates lines for reporting content with sexually abused children around the world. CZ.NIC has been a proud member of this network since 14 June 2017. Thanks to the close cooperation of 42 countries and international institutions such as INTERPOL and EUROPOL, your report can help victims against further abuse.

The STOPonline.cz line deals mainly with content on the Internet that depicts child abuse, inappropriate childhood nudity, cybergrooming or could relate to the spread of pornography. If you are not sure what content can be reported to us, it is always better to send the report. It is important to keep in mind that there are always real victims behind content on the Internet, and that even your report can end child's endless suffering.

In the Internet environment, we also often come across photos taken by parents, friends, or acquaintances who do not realize that it can be misused. Therefore, another important aspect of our work is the rapid removal of content related to a user who has not given consent to the publication of materials that directly concern him. We believe that the fewer people download the objectionable content, the less likely it is that the victim will confront it later.

The line does not serve as a counseling center! The primary goal of the line is to prevent the spread of illegal content on the Internet.

The STOPonline.cz service is operated by the CZ.NIC Association. Individual incidents are analyzed and further processed by the National Security Team CSIRT.CZ. Thanks to the cooperation with the members of the Association, it is possible in serious cases to prevent further display and dissemination of illegal content on the Internet, as soon as possible after such content is reported.

The operation of STOPonline.cz is provided within the SIC CZ project (2018-CZ-IA-0025) and co-financed by the European Commission within the Connecting Europe Facility.